Overview | Transcript | Gallery |
- Not to be confused with the character.
- “So, you're not a person, you're a magical spell?”
- “Yep, who took physical form.”
— Cole and Bonzle |
The Spell at the Waterfall is the fifth episode of the second season of Ninjago: Dragons Rising and the 25th episode overall.
The Ninja begin their training to defeat the Forbidden Five, but Wyldfyre feels left behind. Bonzle reveals an unexpected connection.[1]
LEGO's YouTube channel: It’s time for some serious ninja training. Their Spinjitzu is epic, right? WRONG. Turns out it’s pretty ‘basic’ to the experts...‘Ninja never quit’ – they better not because they’ve got A LOT to learn.[2]
ITVX: While the Ninja train under the Dragon Masters, Cole and Zane learn Bonzle’s true nature and devise a plan to protect her from Ras.[3]
Extended: Lloyd, Arin, Kai, and Nya train under Egalt to learn Rising Dragon Technique while Sora and Riyu learn Spinjitzu from Rontu and an injured Wyldfyre watches from the sidelines. Cole and the Finders arrive at the Monastery and fight off the Wolf Masks with Zane's help. They learn Bonzle's secret origin and devise a way to protect her from Ras before he can use her to free the Forbidden Five.[4]
Geo watches Zane and Cole fight the Claw Wolf Mask Warriors
Zane approaches Mr. Frohicky, who is on a ladder decorating the monastery portal gate. In his hands he holds a frog man doll, and informs Mr. Frohicky that he has questions. Mr. Frohicky tells him that the doll is for Zane to talk to if he has a problem with him. Zane is amused, and tells him that he would just come talk to him if they had a conflict, stating that he does not experience heightened emotions. He expresses his concern at decorating the portal gate, and Frohicky states that it doesn't work. Zane remarks that it could activate at any time. Suddenly, the portal gate light turns on, and Frohicky is knocked off of his ladder by the Finders, who emerge from the gate. They all land in a pile, and Cole sees his friend, asking why he has a frog man doll. Zane dismisses him, and Cole asks for help fighting the two Wolf Mask Claw Warriors that followed them. Together, they fend off the warriors and push them into the gate, and Sprite turns off the portal gate light, shutting the door of the portal gate. Cole and Zane are confused as to how it shut, and Cole learns that Zane knows who sent the wolf warriors; Lord Ras.
Bonzle reveals her secret
Sometime later, the Finders, Zane, and Mr. Frohicky go to the living room of the monastery, and Cole learns that Ras took over Cloud Kingdom, remarking that the Wolf Clan won't stop chasing them until they get Bonzle. He states that they need to find a way to protect her, and Bonzle states that Ras may be after her because of her secret. The others are confused, and Bonzle states that she's not a skeleton, but rather an extremely powerful ancient spell capable of banishing ultimate evil, but that she's taken on the form of a physical being. Everybody is surprised.
The ninja before their combat demonstration
Meanwhile, Kai and Sora are fighting each other in their elemental mechs, as Lloyd and an injured Wyldfyre fight Nya and Arin, who is riding Riyu. Arin dodges a blast of heat and Lloyd's Spinjitzu, and Nya sends a blast of water at Wyldfyre's heat, creating a large puff of steam. Sora initiates a blade on her mech's arm, and cuts the arm of Kai's mech off, attaching it to her own mech after disconnecting her own arm. She uses it to launch fire attacks at Kai, who falls over. Rontu whistles at the ninja, and they all stop fighting, as Kai compliments Sora, who comments that it helps when she was the one who built the mechs in the first place. Rontu thanks the ninja for their combat demonstration, and that the Dragon Masters have assessed their current skills. Egalt insults their skills, and Rontu states that they'll only be able to understand the teachings of the Rising Dragon technique after they become Third Fang Ninja. The ninja are confused, and Egalt says that himself and Rontu are the only ones who give out Fang rankings. Rontu proceeds to break the ninja up into ranks based on their Spinjitzu skills, as it is the foundation of Rising Dragon. Sora and Riyu go with Rontu, as they haven't learned Spinjitzu yet, and everybody else, excluding Wyldfyre, is instructed to learn under Egalt. Rontu tells Wyldfyre to rest and heal, and Wyldfyre gets upset, saying that she's being left out because they already have a fire ninja. Rontu seems surprised, and tells Wyldfyre that there's only one Elemental Master of an element at a time, informing her that Kai's element is fire, while Wyldfyre's is heat. The elements go together, but are separates things.
Bonzle's origin
Back at the Monastery of Spinjitzu, Cole and the others question Bonzle. Geo asks if Bonzle's origins as a spell were what enabled her to tell when the spell around the Land of Lost Things had vanished. Bonzle answers that spells can sense other spells, and that the one around the Land of Lost things disappeared right before Ras came. She was scared of what the others would think if they knew the truth. Zane urges her to tell them the entire truth. Bonzle comes back with a shadow play. Using the puppets, she explains that her story starts with the Dragon Masters, who visited a powerful sorceress in the realm of Mysterium because they needed a spell of intense power. They were about to fight the Forbidden Five, and needed a spell to banish them to a place that can trap them forever. The sorceress worked day and night to create the spell, which was Bonzle in her original form. The Dragon Masters used her to banish the Forbidden Five, but Bonzle remained and didn't fade away because she was a strong and complicated spell, who eventually learned how to feel. She traveled the realms for centuries, uncertain of what she wanted. Eventually, she discovered somebody who changed her life forever; Master Wu. Cole interrupted her story, surprised by the fact that Bonzle had met Wu.
Sora and Riyu practice on the hoops
Rontu demonstrates Spinjitzu performed by a dragon
Elsewhere, Riyu and Sora train with Rontu, with the exercise being to spin kick through three floating hoops, each higher than the last. Sora makes the first two but loses her balance in the air upon attempting the third. Rontu compliments her spin kick, but observes that Sora needs to work on attaining a higher elevation. Rontu tells Sora that it's Riyu's turn, and Sora is uncertain, stating that the course isn't suited to Riyu's body type. Rontu is sure, but Riyu isn't able to get through the first hoop. Sora states that Riyu can't fly yet, and Rontu states that the exercise has nothing to do with flying, but rather the spin motion needed for Spinjitzu. Sora states he can't do that, as Riyu is only a dragon. Rontu gets offended, stating that the dragons were the first species of creation. Sora tries to take what she said back, saying instead that the hoops are too tall for Riyu. Rontu tells her that she's trained many dragons on the same course, and that she trained on one when she was starting out. Sora states that dragons can't do Spinjitzu, and Rontu proves her wrong by flying into the air, and performing a large, magenta colored Spinjitzu tornado. Sora and Riyu watch in amazement as she lands. Rontu states that she learned Spinjitzu from Ekesian Coldfang the Wise, who learned from the great King Urd Leatherwing, who had learned from the First Spinjitzu Master. She approaches Riyu and tells him that he will learn from her, telling him to reset and try again. Nearby, Wyldfyre watches in anger, mumbling that if anybody should learn from dragons, it's her, since she's basically half dragon.
Egalt instructs the ninja
Nearby, Egalt instructs the rest of the ninja, who are doing forms. He teaches them that Shatterspin is an obsession with strength, which is important, but not all-important. He states that there are more powerful things than strength, including intelligence, love, and even kindness. He also lists motion, flying high into the sky and coming down behind the ninja using Rising Dragon technique. They break from their forms as Egalt states that motion is more powerful than strength if used correctly. He tells them to try and eliminate it from themselves in an exercise, and the put their hands together and close their eyes, still. Egalt asks Kai how fast he is moving, and Kai tells him that he is perfectly still. Egalt tells him that he is wrong, that they all feel like they're still, but that in reality, they speed through space, since the land they are on revolves, and that the entire world is in motion. He tells them the universe itself is motion and asks Lloyd if that other than the movement of the universe, if he is motionless. Lloyd answers yes, and Egalt is angered, telling them that they're wrong again. They open their eyes to listen, as he tells Lloyd that inside, the body is in motion. The lungs inflate, the brain fires, and the muscles buzz with tension. He tells them that their bodies are motion, and that they must find it within themselves. He says that only once the motion of the universe is connected to the motion within themselves can they achieve Rising Dragon technique. He performs it again and tells them that it's the only chance of them saving the world from the Forbidden Five and their Shatterspin.
Wu and Bonzle speak
Bonzle manifests her physical form
Bonzle continues her story at the monastery, talking about how her visit with Wu meant everything to her. Back in her story, Wu ceases to balance on his staff, turning around and observing his surroundings, demanding to know who is there. The spell form of Bonzle apologized, saying that she would leave. Wu then realized he was talking to a spell, and asked her to excuse his harshness, questioning her existence as an unchanged spell. He stated that he heard it was possible, but never expected to see one. Bonzle tells Wu that she had been traveling the realms for centuries, and he remarks that she must have many tales to tell. Bonzle states that she didn't have as many as he might think. Herself and Wu spent hours talking, and Wu identifies the feeling that Bonzle felt, loneliness. He says that he has felt it too, especially on one occurrence. He tells her of Garmadon, and how they once were very close, and shared many adventures. He speaks of making their way through the Pyramid of the Sphinx and facing the Warriors of Felis. He tells Bonzle that Garmadon made decisions that drove them apart, and that they are no longer on the same side. Wu speaks of the loneliness he felt in this time, but how eventually he found students to teach. Friends that became his family. Bonzle is taken aback by this, and questions how friends can become like family. Wu answers by saying that connecting with people and building friendships can cure loneliness, and that it may work with Bonzle. Bonzle continues her story by talking about how Wu suggested she take on a physical form so that she could interact with others. However, she was concerned that manifesting a physical form would use up a lot of her strength. Wu told her that there are more important things than strength. Instantly, the spell form of Bonzle began to glow, manifesting a physical form. She created her physical appearance, and Wu smiled, asking how she felt. Bonzle responded by telling him that she felt like she was finally becoming who she was destined to be.
Wyldfyre arrives disguised
Back at the hoop training, Sora spin kicks through each of the floating hoops in quick succession. After celebrating and being congratulated by Rontu, Riyu begins his turn, but fails to jump high enough to even touch the hoop. Rontu encourages him to try again, but they turn around to see a disguised Wyldfyre speaking in an exaggerated English accent, claiming to be an uninjured Mucoid Warrior. She claims that she has come to participate in the training, and Sora asks her what she's doing. Wyldfyre claims to have never heard of herself, but compliments herself as a great fighter. Sora gets fed up and tells Wyldfyre that they know who she is. Rontu compliments Wyldfyre, but tells her to rest and heal as she storms off. Wyldfyre looks back as Riyu finally is able to make it through the first hoop and celebrate with Sora.
The ninja practice awareness
A short distance away, Egalt oversees Nya, Kai, Lloyd, and Arin on a circular training ground with several ramps and curved walls. He tells them to begin, and Lloyd and Arin use Spinjitzu to whir around the track as Kai and Nya remain standing on the ramps. When they return, Egalt tells them that Rising Dragon technique isn't just about being in motion but being aware of the motion around them, including the flow of others. They all begin to Spinjitzu around the course, and they all take turns doing jumps on the ramps and performing tricks. Eventually, Kai and Nya run into each other on a ramp and they get upset with one another, Kai accusing Nya of ruining his stunt. Egalt gets angry, and tells him that the course isn't about performing childish stunts, but rather practicing awareness. Arin questions what he means and Egalt huffs off. He tells them to reset their positions, and they begin the training once more. He finds their next attempt to be adequate and allows them to continue. Arin accidentally bumps into Nya, who bumps into Kai. Arin loses control and knocks Lloyd down, who quickly forgives and encourages Arin. Yet Egalt tells Lloyd to not lie, scorning Arin's accident. He tells Arin that he should have started him off in First Fang, but Arin tells him that he can hold it together, which Egalt accepts, ending the session. Lloyd tries to encourage Arin, but Arin stops him and walks off to be alone.
Cole and Geo reassure Bonzle
Back at the monastery, Bonzle tells the others about how she went searching for friends that could become her family. She tells them that she did in the Land of Lost Things, and that the Finders were the family she was looking for, the people that filled the lonely feeling inside of her with warmth. She says that she never told them because she didn't know what they would think, but Cole and Geo hug her and reassure her that she is family. Zane interrupts, and theorizes that Ras wants Bonzle because she has the potential to free the Forbidden Five from their exile. Bonzle expresses her regret of not fading away, but Cole tells her she is loved and needed. Zane asks about Mysterium, and Bonzle tells him that it's a magical place that must now exist in the Merged Realms. Cole states that they need to find the sorceress that created her, so that they can find a way to keep her safe. Zane questions the logic in leaving for a land they have never heard of to find a person they don't know, in hopes of them stopping a plan they only know part of. Cole starts to answer, but Zane smiles and says that it reminds him of the old days.
Ras speaks to his master
In Cloud Kingdom, Cinder begins to smash several pots, with Ras yelling at him to use more force. He tells Cinder that strength is all that matters in Shatterspin. He walks over to Jordana, asking her if she has located the escaped spell. Jordana tells him that it isn't easy, but is interrupted by Ras floating up into the air, with his eyes glowing. Ras begins to speak to his master, in a yellow-tinted void, asking for his instructions. A series of indecipherable short bursts echo, and Ras comes back to reality, landing on the ground to find Cinder and Jordana waiting for him. He tells them that he has a new plan, and that they need five Cloud Monks to be a sacrifice to the Blood Moon.
- Alfonzo Frohicky - Andrew McNee
- Arin - Deven Mack
- Bonzle - Michelle Creber
- Cole - Andrew Francis
- Egalt - Andrew Francis
- Geo - Peter Kelamis
- Jordana - Diana Kaarina
- Kai - Vincent Tong
- Lloyd - Sam Vincent
- Nya - Kelly Metzger
- Ras - Brian Drummond
- Riyu - Brian Drummond
- Rontu - Kazumi Evans
- Sora - Sabrina Pitre
- Wu - Paul Dobson (flashback)
- Wyldfyre - Kazumi Evans
- Zane - Brent Miller
- Ekesian Coldfang the Wise
- First Spinjitzu Master
- Garmadon
- King Urd Leatherwing
- Warriors of Felis
- Writers of Destiny
- Drix (pictured)
- Gandalaria (pictured)
- Kur (pictured)
- Nokt (pictured)
- Rox (pictured)
- Zarkt (pictured)
- Frog man doll
- Gis
- Mech Pilot (Cole, Zane)
- Climber (Kai, LLoyd, Nya)
- Merge (Arin, Sora)
- Urban (Sora)
- Wyldness (Wyldfyre)
- Mucoid (Wyldfyre)
- Jordana's crystal ball
- Katana (pictured)
- Scythe (pictured)
- Wolf Masks
- Wu and Garmadon's journey (mentioned)
- Exile of the Forbidden Five (pictured)
- Battle Between Brothers (mentioned)
- Mech Master 5000 (pictured)
- Ritual of the Blood Moon (mentioned)
- Blood Moon (pictured)
- Merged Realms
- Cloud Kingdom
- Departed Realm (mentioned)
- Dragon Stone Shrine (flashback)
- Imperium
- City of Imperium (mentioned)
- Land of Lost Things (mentioned)
- Mysterium (pictured)
- Ninjago
- Wyldness
- Nether-Space (mentioned)
- Ras' master's void
- Cats (pictured)
- Dragons
- Flies
- Formlings
- Frogs
- Humans
- Munce/Geckle hybrids
- Mucoids (costume)
- Nindroids
- Oni/Dragon hybrids (flashback)
- Oni/Dragon/Human hybrids
- Serpentine
- Tigers
- Wolves (pictured)
- This episode confirms that Wyldfyre's element is Heat and is completely separate from Fire.
- This is first time a dragon has used Spinjitzu.
- In the flashback with Bonzle, Wu recalls the Battle Between Brothers, The Maze of the Sphinx, and The Curse of the Cat-Eye Jewel.
- This is the first direct mention in the show of events that occurs in supplementary material.
- This episode marks the second time Garmadon has been mentioned in Dragons Rising, he was last mentioned in "The Temple of the Dragon Cores."
- Cole and Geo still accepting Bonzle as part of their family despite her true origins is similar to when Cole, Kai and Jay did the same thing with Zane after learning he was a Nindroid in "Tick Tock".
- Rontu is the third living being to have a purple Spinjitzu tornado, the first two being Garmadon and Aspheera (without fire powers).
- As was the case with Aspheera, they made Rontu's tornado a brighter purple than Garmadon's who had a very dark purple Spinjitzu tornado.
- This episode features the first visualizations of the Forbidden Five, albeit only in shadow puppet form.
- Zane states that he "does not experience heightened emotions." This point could be contradicted by several moments in the series where Zane does appear to experience heightened emotions such as when he discovers the fact that he is a robot, recovers his memories ("Tick Tock" ), experiences an identity crisis following his revival after sacrificing his original body ("The Day of the Dragon"), concern for P.I.X.A.L.'s safety ("The Fall"), "incapable of logical thought" when believing Cole to be dead ("The Fall"), among several others.
- Rontu says that there can only be one Master of a particular element at a time, yet Krux and Acronix were two Elemental Masters of Time. However, this could be explained by the fact that they control different aspects of time (Acronix controls Forward and Slo-Mo, while Krux controls Reversal and Pause).
- The word "element" used in this statement may have been deliberate, as there are multiple masters of essences such as Creation and Destruction.
- When Mr. Frohicky explains why he gave Zane a doll of himself, Zane says that he would talk to the real Frohicky if he was going to have a dispute with him, but in Season 1 he talked to a picture of P.I.X.A.L. like she was really there, so as to why he feels differently about the doll compared to the picture is unknown. However, this could be due to the fact that since Mr. Frohicky is physically present in the Monastery, Zane is able to talk to him directly whereas he is unable to converse with P.I.X.A.L. as her whereabouts and status are unrevealed.
Language | Name |
Czech | Kouzlo u vodopádu |
Finnish | Loitsu vesiputouksella |
French | Le Sort de la Cascade |
German | Eine echte Familie |
Hungarian | Váratlan varázslat |
Italian | La storia di Bonzle |
Polish | Zaklęcie przy wodospadzie |
Portuguese (BRA) | O Feitiço na Cachoeira |