“For thousands of years, we have upheld the oath bestowed upon us by the First Spinjitzu Master himself. That oath, I now pass on to you. Nya, of Ninjago. Do you accept this sacred duty?”
The Storm Amulet is the ninth episode of the fourteenth season of Ninjago and the 173rd episode overall. It aired on April 27, 2021, paired up with "Riddle of the Sphinx."[1] It released in the US on November 19, 2021, alongside The Island and the rest of the episodes of Seabound.
Extended: The ninjas return to the Island of the Keepers to warn them of Kalmaar's plan - they convince the Leader to allow them to take the Storm Amulet to Ninjago City for safekeeping but discover that the amulet is a fake! Surmising that Clutch Powers is behind this, the ninjas rush to the sub, only to be ambushed by Kalmaar, who learns the real location of the amulet and destroys the sub.[2]
In the Merlopian Palace, Glutinous comes to tell Kalmaar that he may have found the location of the Storm Amulet and Kalmaar tells Gripe to gather troops to track down the Amulet.
Meanwhile, on the Hydro Bounty, Maya, Nya, Jay, Lloyd, Zane and Benthomaar talk about Kalmaar’s plan and how they must get to the Island of the Keepers before Kalmaar. They eventually make it to the storm belt, to avoid being damaged, P.I.X.A.L. moves the sub underwater. The sub gets little damage while is Jay tossed around the ship.
They make it to the Island of the Keepers, and Nya tells Benthomaar to stay onboard to avoid problems with the Keepers. Jay pops out of the hatch to see the Keepers surrounding it, ready to attack. They see Jay and take the rest to Mammatus.
They tell Mammatus of Kalmaar and he tells the other Keepers to prepare for attack. Nya tells the Keepers that the plan isn’t a good one and asks Mammatus if she can have the Storm Amulet. While Mammatus is hesitant, he trusts her and gives her the amulet, only for Zane to find out it is a fake. Nya already know who stole it and tells the others to run to the Hydro Bounty. They alert P.I.X.A.L. and tell her to contact the Monastery of Spinjitzu. Cole responds and Nya tells him of the situation and tells him to get to the Explorer's Club.
Kalmaar bursts through the door and mocks Benthomaar for joining the ninja. Benthomaar tells Kalmaar that the Ninja are his friends and to leave them alone and Kalmaar tells him that he’ll do as he wishes.
Nya tries to fool Kalmaar with the fake Amulet. But Kalmaar catches on to them and destroys the controls of the Hydro Bounty telling the Ninja that all that will happen will be their fault and leaves. Nya gives chase and jumps in the sea to stop him. But loses breathe quickly and hops back on to the Hydro Bounty. Nya asks if they can fix the ship, but is responded with “no” and quickly starts blaming herself. But Maya tells her that Nya doesn’t need her help and is a better Master of Water than herself and believes that Nya will get them off of the island and stop Kalmaar.
Kalmaar's line, "Prepare my troops! We're going hunting," is identical to when Iron Baron said "Prepare the Dieselnaut! We're going hunting," from "How to Build a Dragon."