Trial By Mino is the sixth episode of the thirteenth season of Ninjago and the 150th episode overall. It aired first in English on July 10, 2020, paired with a rerun in Australia. It aired in the US on September 27, 2020, paired up with "Queen of the Munce."[1]
Separated from the others, Kai and Zane discover a party of Geckles who suspect them of being in league with the Skull Sorcerer, and bring them before their leader, Chancellor Gulch, who subjects them to a "Trial-By-Mino."[2]
Extended: Kai and Zane stumble into a party of Geckels who think they may be working for the Skull Sorcerer. They are arrested and brought back to the Geckle "Strong-Cave," where they meet the Geckle leader, Chancellor Gulch. Gulch decides to put the matter to a "Trial-By-Mino." Kai and Zane are cast into a pit with a raging Mino to determine their innocence or guilt.[4]
Kai suspects they may be walking in circles when he and Zane are trying to find their way out. Zane assures him that his internal gyroscopic positioning would alert him if so, but states that if the surroundings were ferrous or magnetic, he won't be alerted. Just then, they run into three Geckles, who are singing a song about Gilly while collecting moss-milk. One of them accidentally falls and drops his Moss Milk on Kai, blowing their cover. They accuse the ninja of working for the Skull Sorcerer and try to destroy them, but one suggests that they bring them to their chancellor for him to decide, which Kai agrees with.
After a statement from both sides, Chancellor Gulch decides on a Trial-By-Mino to determine the pair's innocence due to strong arguments from both sides. They are dropped into an arena where they dodge the attacks of an angry Mino, but their elemental powers won't work. Zane scans the Mino and discovers that its armor is made of Vengestone. Gulch is surprised that the two have lasted longer than most, and declares them not-skeletons. Zane manages to remove the Mino's armor, and it calms down, even rolling over and licking the two. Kai yells that since friends help friends, not-skeletons should help not-skeletons too, and they are brought before Gulch again.
Gulch questions the ninja's identities, and Gleck suggests that they are Elemental Masters, which means they may know Gilly. Meanwhile, Zane notices Gleck's necklace and realizes that it is the one Cole claimed to have seen. The two tell them that while they do not know Gilly, they are Elemental Masters, and they display their powers. Zane states that they are looking for their friends, and Gulch agrees to help them in light of the dishonor they brought upon themselves by suspecting the ninja. He then promptly resigns as chancellor and gives the position to Kai, which all the Geckles agree to by throwing rocks at him. He accepts the position reluctantly and tells them not to throw things at him anymore, but the Geckles throw more rocks at him in support of his proposal. He then asks for information on the Skull Sorcerer at Zane's suggestion.
Gulch takes them to the story cave and tells them of their people's origin. During their dark ages, a great hero Gilly arrived to save them from Grief-Bringer and gifted them with the Blades of Deliverance, but it was stolen by the Munce. Kai quickly cuts him off, as they already knew that part of the story, and asks about the Skull Sorcerer. Gulch says that three adventurers had ventured deep into the tunnels where all Geckles are forbidden to enter, and awoke an ancient evil - the Skull Sorcerer and the Re-Awakened. He captured many Geckles and Munce to mine for him, and where they once lived openly, they must hide and pray that the Skull Sorcerer doesn't find them.
Kai decides that to defeat the Skull Sorcerer, he must unite the Geckles and Munce, so he proposes teaming up with the Munce, only for the suggestion to be perceived as a joke. He states that they need a different approach, to which Zane expresses his agreement by throwing a rock at his head.