The Venomari are one of the known Serpentine tribes. The Venomari were freed from their tomb by Pythor, and along with their fellow tribes, they embarked on a quest to awaken the Great Devourer. While this plan succeeded, the beast was destroyed by Garmadon. After the Serpentine betrayed him, the Venomari and their fellow tribes journeyed underground, stumbling across the Tomb of the Stone Army. Upon entering, they were faced with the revived Stone Army, which attacked the Serpentine and trapped them in the tomb.
The Venomari and their fellow Serpentine made the tomb their home until the ninja discovered them, at which point the Nindroid crisis had begun. The Serpentine opted to avoid the struggle, but would later help evacuate Ninjago's citizens after the Golden Master began attacking the city. Following his defeat, the Venomari and the other tribes returned to the surface, living in Ninjago alongside its people. When the Second Serpentine War commenced, they fought in the climactic battle at the Corridor of Elders.
The Venomari are one of the known Serpentine tribes, and their origin is unknown. As time passed, their tribe would come to have arguments and conflicts with four other tribes of the Serpentine and later humans as well. They were involved in the Serpentine War, and were locked underground for 40 years for their crimes.
Rise of the Snakes[]
The Venomari were released from their tomb inside the Toxic Bogs by Pythor and readily joined him in an ambush against the Ninja who had come to secure their tomb before Pythor could arrive. Afterwards, the Venomari united with the other tribes in a quest to recover the four Fangblades in order to awaken the Great Devourer. Although the Serpentine succeed in awakening the Devourer, the serpent proved to be impossible to control and all of the Serpentine, including the Venomari, took shelter in the Fangpyre Tomb until Lord Garmadon destroyed the Devourer with the Golden Weapons.
Legacy of the Green Ninja[]
After the destruction of the Great Devourer, the Venomari continued to remain free with the rest of the Serpentine. When Skales tried to convince the tribes to follow him, Garmadon soon arrived and took control of the Serpentine, minus the generals. After Skales' attempt to kidnap Lloyd fails and his imprisonment in the city jail, Acidicus and the other generals joined Garmadon as well. After the destruction of the Mega Weapon, Garmadon decided to find the Dark Island, only for Skales to knock him off the Rattlercopter and take control of the Serpentine. After becoming the new snake king, Skales led the Serpentine to Ninjago City to bury it, only to end up finding the Tomb of the Stone Army. After the Stone Army were awakened by the venom of the Great Devourer, the Venomari and the rest of the serpentine tried to fight back, only to be easily defeated and sealed inside the tomb.
Some point after their humbling defeat at the hands of the Stone Army, the Venomari, alongside the rest of the Serpentine, reformed and built up their society within the former Tomb of the Stone Army, making peace with the humans in their isolation. Later, when the Ninja arrived at the tomb seeking answers after finding a white scale left behind after a battle against The Overlord and his Nindroids, Acidicus told the Ninja about the curse of the Golden Master.
Tournament of Elements[]
The Venomari fought alongside the Elemental Masters at the Corridor of Elders and helped defeat Chen's fake Anacondrai army.
Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu[]
Skales took Jay, Kai, and Cole to Acidicus in the Serpentine library, where the latter told them the tale of Aspheera and the treacherous deceiver.
Acidicus attended Nya's memorial.
Most of them have four yellow eyes, with the exception of Lasha, who is missing an eye. Their colors are green, lime, and red. They are immune to corrosive liquids, including the waters of the Toxic Bogs. Members like Acidicus and Lizaru feature a pair of three spikes atop the flats of their heads. All of the snakes have two large fangs that spit venom but a few like Acidicus and Lizaru have two extra side spikes. Almost all besides Acidicus have small bottles of venom with them and sashes around their shoulders to hold weapons.
Effects of a Venomari's venom.
- Venomari venom: The Venomari have the power to spit hallucination-inducing venom into their opponent's eyes, which can make their victim see a number of strange things. Their worst fears, quintessentially. It will wear off gradually but the anti-venom in the Venomari Staff can instantly cure a victim.
- Poison/Acid Immunity: The Venomari are immune to acid and toxic substance, they can hide themselves in the Toxic Bogs for a long time and have no effect from it as seen in "Can of Worms".
The Venomari's tomb is located in the Toxic Bogs. The entrance is inside a giant hollow tree surrounded by vines.
Official description[]
Character Encyclopedia New Edition[]
The Venomari tribe are truly toxic! This group of swamp-dwelling Serpentine use vials of their naturally occurring venom to poison their enemies. Head shape and size gives an important clue to a Serpent's rank in their tribe, from second-in-command Lizaru, down to junior scout Lasha.
- Apparently, the Venomari have a limit to the amount of venom they can secrete at one time. To counter this weakness, Acidicus developed special vials that can hold his tribe's venom safely. The Venomari use these vials to ensure that they will never run out of venom in battle.
- In Virgin Media's synopsis for the episode, "Can of Worms," the Venomari are referred to as the "Vipoids."
- It appears that the higher the rank within the Venomari tribe, the more dark green coloring the Venomari has.
- The head shape and spikes also vary depending on the rank.[2]
- They appear to be immune to acid, as they could hide in the acid in the Toxic Bogs without getting scalded or corroded.
- A Venomari general is seen in the flashback to the Serpentine War in "Spellbound," but it's unknown whether this was Acidicus or a previous general who was replaced during entombment.[3]
- Interestingly, after the Serpentine War, only 10 members of the Venomari tribe survived, of whom all except the general were soldiers. However, there must have been some females among them, as after their release there are also members of lower ranks among them and there are many more of them.
The images on Venomari need to be organized.