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Vermillion armor were armor created by Ray and Maya for the Vermillion, under leadership of Acronix and Krux. The armor was used by the Vermillion snakes to allow them to assume a humanoid form and covered almost the entire body of the wearer. In addition to the standard armor, some Vermillion Warriors wore additional chestplates that came in two variations.


The Hatching[]

The Vermillion armor makes its first appearance when Krux holds up a variation one helmet to show his brother in the secret room within the Ninjago Museum of History. While confused at first, Acronix quickly declares he likes his brother's plan and attempts to reach for the helmet, only for Krux to tell him that the helmets were not for them.

Later, a lone Vermillion Warrior is dispatched to attack the Borg Store's unveiling of the new BorgWatch. As the Ninja arrive to confront the warrior, Krux smashes open two more Vermillion eggs, allowing the snakes to enter into two more sets of armor to form another two warriors.

Following the battle, Acronix laments the loss of 'many' sets of armor, though Krux assures him that he will put his 'best blacksmiths' to work on creating more.

A Time of Traitors[]

Following Cole's suggestion, Jay wears one of the variant one helmets taken from the Vermillion warriors that had been defeated previously in an effort to see if the helmet does anything or if by wearing it they can determine who its owner was. Jay confirms the helmet does not do anything aside from 'making him look cool,' much to the chagrin of the others. Kai remarks that something about it feels familiar and they should ask Master Wu about its origins; afterwards he decides to bring it to the museum to ask Dr. Saunders about it.

At the museum, two Vermillion Warriors, one wearing the variant two helmet, are seen placing a captured Cyrus Borg into the Golden sarcophagus. Krux also introduces his brother to the Vermillion Commanders (Blunck, Raggmunk, and Machia) who are encased in unique armors and chestplates with shoulder pads.

Multiple piles of empty armors are also seen in the secret room of the museum, one set being utilized by an orange Vermillion to relay its sighting of Kai in the museum.

At the museum, Krux (in the guise of Dr. Saunders), informs Kai that the vermillion helmet "Slightly resembles a post-Serpentine War samurai battle helmet," but he dismisses it as a knock-off, possibly a costume prop from Ninjagocon. Kai expressed his doubts about this explanation and told Saunders it had been taken from a Vermillion warrior the Ninja had defeated the day before. Saunders suggested that Kai leave the helmet with him for further study. Some time later, Kai realized the resemblance between the helmet and those worn by Acronix and Krux in the painting that depicted the Battle for All of Time, concluding that Wu was wrong about Krux being lost in time.


Multiple Vermillion Warriors clad in their armor are seen marching across downtown, stealing metal as part of Operation: Heavy Metal. During the battle at the scaffolding site, the Ninja were able to knock multiple warriors off the site, shattering them into their component snakes and armor pieces. Unfortunately, the snakes shortly reassembled themselves using their armor and other pieces of metal to assume larger, monstrous forms.

During the battle at the power plant, Nya remarked that Zane's only method of combat at the moment was short-circuiting himself and creating a large electromagnetic field capable of yanking the armor off the Vermillion and reducing them to their component snakes. Lloyd instructs Nya to hook Zane up to one of the power plant's turbines to supercharge it and create a massive electromagnetic field. They succeed and pull off all the armor, alongside weaponry and other metal objects, from the Vermillion Warriors, reducing them to their snake forms and forcing them to retreat.

A Line in the Sand[]

Many Vermillion Warriors in armor led by Raggmunk attack Mega Monster Amusement Park in search of metal as part of Operation: Heavy Metal. As the Ninja attempt to fight off the thieving warriors, the helmet of one smashed by Kai lands in his arms and he recognizes a familiar symbol etched into the helmet.

Meanwhile, at Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk, Jay and his parents battle against another division of Vermillion Warriors led by Blunck. During the battle, Jay uses his lightning to separate multiple Vermillion Warriors into their components.

Later, as the Ninja make their escape with the Slow-Mo Time Blade, Kai trips over a stray variant one helmet and notices the symbol from earlier engraved inside. After being rushed by Nya, Kai decides to take the helmet with him as they make their escape.

The Attack[]

Following the Ninja's victory in the Sea of Sand, Kai is mentioned as spending most of the day reading old history books in an effort to learn more about the recovered helmet. He is seen staring into it in deep thought while Cole, Jay, and Zane play with the Slow-Mo Time Blade. Some time later, following Wu's chastising of the three for playing with the Slow-Mo Time Blade, Kai inquires to Wu about the symbol engraved within the helmet. Although Wu does not answer, his look of horror and shock were enough to inform Kai that the former recognized and understood its meaning.

Shortly afterwards, the Temple of Airjitzu is attacked by the Time Twins and their forces, who launch Vermillion eggs containing snakes and sets of armor at the temple as part of their attack.

Following the battle, a frustrated Lloyd kicks a stray variant one helmet across the temple grounds, with the helmet rolling to a stop at Kai's feet. After looking at the inscribed symbol again, Kai suddenly realizes where he had seen such a symbol before, much to his despair.

Secrets Discovered[]

Kai continues to carry around the helmet, and is seen looking at it during Lloyd's presentation of his plan and brings it with him onboard the Destiny's Bounty, where Nya points out that Kai is still carrying around the helmet. In response to her comment, Kai reveals to his sister that the symbol inscribed within the helmet belongs to their father. Kai explains that a blacksmith puts his stamp on every piece of armor he makes, and the presence of the symbol on every recovered Vermillion helmet suggests that their father had worked for the Hands of Time in the past.

The helmet is later carried by Kai to Four Weapons Blacksmith, where he confirms the symbol inscribed inside matches the one present on a gong inside of the shop. By striking the gong in frustration, Kai accidentally unlocks a secret basement, where he discovers older versions of Vermillion helmets. Meanwhile, the design notes for the Vermillion armor are found by Jay inside of the secret room within the Museum of History.

Later, one of the rusted, older helmets is brought by Kai to Chen's Noodle House alongside the one he had previously been carrying, and both are shown to Nya as proof that not only were their parents traitors, but that their father was also still alive and still working for the Hands of Time. Both helmets would be left behind when Kai and Nya left the Noodle House to regroup with the other ninja.

Pause and Effect[]

In Wu's nightmare, he battles against several Vermillion Warriors clad in armor before being confronted by Misako, Garmadon, and Morro, all of whom emerge out of Vermillion eggs wearing the same armor as the Vermillion Warriors while chastising Wu for how he had failed them.

Later, Cole and Jay manage to find the location of the kidnapped workers, discovering them hard at work forging hundreds of units of Vermillion armor, swords, axes, and vehicles, placing the completed units in large piles against a wall. While working on a way to escape, Cole's father, Lou, reveals that he heard that all the designs for the Vermillion's armor, weaponry, and vehicles were made by an 'expert blacksmith.'

Vermillion helmets were also present in the Dragon's Forge, in the process of being smithed by Ray when Kai interrupted and briefly fought him. Following the skirmish, Ray explained that he had stamped each piece of armor he made to serve as a distress signal, hoping that one day someone would find him and together they could stop the Time Twins' plans.

Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea[]

A lone variant one helmet is found by Lloyd following the Ninja's successful escape from Blunck and Raggmunk's forces, giving Lloyd the idea for them to disguise themselves with Vermillion armor to infiltrate the Dome of Doom. While their disguise was able to fool Blunck, Raggmunk, and even Borg, their covers would be blown when Jay cheekily said, "Aye aye!" in response to Raggmunk's orders for the Ninja to escort Borg to the Iron Doom.

Lost in Time[]

Returning forty years into the past, to the day of the Battle for All of Time, Vermillion Warriors begin their attack against the Elemental Alliance, who fought back but were stunned by their enemies' ability to reform after being separated into their component snakes and armor. It would take Kai and Nya, posing as their parents, to explain to the Alliance the need to keep the snakes from returning to their armor in order to defeat the warriors. As the battle began to turn to the Alliance's favor, a frustrated Krux and Acronix smashed Blunck and Raggmunk into their components so that they could seize their telepathic helmets and use them to command the Vermillion Warriors themselves. Following their orders for all snakes to merge with the Iron Doom, the remaining warriors collapsed their humanoid forms and left their discarded armor shells behind, with the commanders' helmets being the only pieces taken back onboard the Iron Doom. As Blunck and Raggmunk's helmets were discarded inside of the Iron Doom, they would be subsequently lost in time alongside the Time Twins and their Vermillion hordes.



Boxed Sets[]

Magazine Gifts[]

Books with Minifigure Gifts[]

Misc Sets[]

Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]

Season 7: Hands of Time[]

Operation Heavy Metal[]

Ninjago: Reimagined[]



  • The first variant of the Vermillion helmet closely resembles the helmets worn by Acronix and Krux during the Serpentine War, albeit with the addition of holes on each side for a snake to pass through.
  • According to, Blunck and Raggmunk's helmets enable the wearer to telepathically communicate and control the Vermillion. This is supported in "Lost in Time," when Acronix and Krux take the commanders' helmets to telepathically control the Vermillion whereas in prior episodes they had relied on the commanders to do so for them.
    • Additionally in "A Time of Traitors," Jay confirms that the standard helmets do not have any powers when he attempted to wear one.


In set form[]

In Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]

Season 7: The Hands of Time[]

Operation Heavy Metal[]



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