Ninjago Wiki


Ninjago Wiki
Not to be confused with Water.
“Picture it, Gripe. Streets, turned into canals. Buildings and homes, flooded. Vehicles rusting away below the waves.”

Wave is a power in Ninjago that consists of the Elemental Powers of Water and Wind when combined. It is generally associated with the color of light blue. The user of Wave can control the waves from the Endless Sea.

Users' abilities[]

  • Fury of the Storm - With Storm, the user of Wave can create a destructive storm that can affect an entire realm, such as Ninjago's.
    • Thalassokinesis - The user of Wave can also manipulate the entire ocean. This ranges from generating waves or tsunamis to flood many islands and raise sea levels or generating powerful floods. In "The Calm Before the Storm," Wojira used the water from the Endless Sea to flood the streets of Ninjago City to destroy it.
      • Flood Creation - The user of Wave can push large amounts of water from the ocean to create a flood: an overflow of water that submerges land which is usually dry. The primary effects of flooding include loss of life and damage to buildings and other structures, including bridges, sewerage systems, roadways, and canals.
        • Whirlpool/Hydrokinetic Vortex Creation - The user can create vortexes/spirals of water known as whirlpools. These vortexes can be projected in the form of swirling beams of water as a long ranged attack or as a tornado of water to attract or repel things or people for both offensive and/or defensive purposes.
        • Tidal Wave Generation - Allows the user to create powerful wave(s) of water from the ocean to flood lands and wash away everything with incredible force by pushing or pulling a great amount of water.
    • Galegenesis - The user can generate strong winds on a large scale with varying intensities. Wojira used this ability in Assault on Ninjago City" to push large amounts of water from the ocean and flood the streets of Ninjago, pushing with strong currents.


Prior to the series[]

Long before Ninjago was created, Wojira possessed the abilities of Wave and Storm by using the Amulets of Wojira, having power over the Endless Sea and terrorized the Merlopians and the islanders. However, as a result of being cast into a deep sleep by Nyad during the Battle of Nine Days, the source of Wojira's power of Wave, the Wave Amulet, was given to the Merlopians while the source of Wojira's power of Storm, the Storm Amulet, was given to the islanders.[1]

The Calm Before the Storm[]

After Wojira fell under Kalmaar's control, the Merlopian ordered her to use the full power of Wave and Storm to destroy all the islands within Ninjago's realm. While Kalmaar was taking Wojira to Ninjago, they caused the Endless Sea to create rough waves as Wojira started the Fury of the Storm. Eventually, Kalmaar and Wojira soon arrived to Ninjago and created a tsunami that flooded the city.

Assault on Ninjago City[]

As Dareth was on a tour bus with some of the citizens of Ninjago, he noticed the tsunami that was flooding the city and tried to get the citizens inside the bus with him to safety, but the water was too powerful. However, Jay managed to help in time to save them.


The waves increased the sea level as Wojira overpowered the ninja.

The Turn of the Tide[]

After Nya was destroyed in her Water Dragon form, she quickly regained her form again and destroyed the Wave Amulet, making Wojira lose her power of Wave. After the sea serpent's defeat, Nya uses her power to make the Endless Sea calm again, getting rid of all the destruction Wojira caused using the powers of Wave and Storm.

Notable Users[]


  • Wojira (with the Wave Amulet; formerly)




The Island[]

Season 14: Seabound[]

Season 15: Crystalized[]

Ninjago Magazine[]


  • Although Wave has slightly different characteristics than other Elemental Powers, The Book of Elemental Powers recognizes it as an element.
    • However, Tommy Andreasen said that Wave and Storm aren't elements, but rather complex abilities that Wojira uses. In Wave's case, "It takes wind (or quake)[2] and water to produce a wave."[3]


Concept art[]

In Ninjago[]

In other media[]


Language Name
French (CAN) Vague
Portuguese Ondas
Spanish Olas



Martial arts

Spinjitzu: Catjitzu · Forbidden Spinjitzu · Object Spinjitzu · Shatterspin · Spinjitzu Burst · Tornado of Creation
Other: Airjitzu · Art of the Silent Fist · Rising Dragon

Elemental abilities

Dragon Form · Earth Punch · Elemental creations (elemental Golems) · Elemental Dragons · Elemental shields · Fury of the Storm · Storm · True Potential · Wave

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Dareth's abilities

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