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“Okay, these smell like rotten eggs.”
“Oh, but they are so good. I mean, yeah, sometimes you get one infested with Death Wasps, but the non-infested ones are so good.”
Kai and Wyldfyre, "Wyldly Inappropriate"

Wyldmelons are a variety of melon that originates from the Wyldness. Certain specimens of this fruit are known for being infested with Death Wasps.


Dragons Rising, Season 1[]

I Will Be the Danger (flashback)[]

Wyldmelons are seen growing on multiple trees in the Lava Wastes as Heatwave investigated a capsule that had crash landed, discovering Wyldfyre and the Caregiver bot inside.

At some point in Wyldfyre's early childhood, she spotted a wyldmelon growing on a low hanging branch and ran over to grab it, only to discover afterwards that it was hanging over the edge of a cliff. After the branch snapped and Heatwave saved Wyldfyre, he tossed the melon towards her, where it smashed in half upon hitting the ground. Wyldfyre then proceeded to nosily eat the innards of the melon.

Sometime after The Merge, Wyldfyre was attempting to pluck a wyldmelon, only to discover she now possessed the elemental power of Heat.

Sometime later in Wyldfyre's teenage years, Heatwave was captured by the Claw Hunters of Imperium and Wyldfyre vowed to rescue him, gathering several wyldmelons to serve as supplies for her journey.

Wyldly Inappropriate[]

At one point in time, Wyldfyre had visited the Lava-Tide Village and pelted areas of it with rotten wyldmelons. She also vandalized the statue of Lava-Todd the Wise with wyldmelons on the same visit, or on another visit. These rotten and intact fruits still remained where Wyldfyre had left them by the time she and Kai visited the village in search of the Purple Dragon Core.

Later, as Kai and Wyldfyre performed the tasks listed in the Scroll of Grievances, some of the tasks included cleaning up all the rotten and fresh wyldmelons that Wyldfyre had previously pelted the village with. While cleaning up some of the rotten ones, Wyldfyre ripped open a fresh wyldmelon and began to enjoy it while Kai burned the rotten melons.

Rotten, and a few fresh, wyldmelons were also present in the Pit of No Return, presumably after being discarded by the Lava-Tides. As Kai and Wyldfyre descended down the sides of the pit to retrieve the purple dragon core, Wyldfyre attempted to reach for one of the fresh melons, much to Kai's chagrin. After retrieving the core, several of the rotten melons exploded and released swarms of Death Wasps that had been infesting them.

They Call It Doom[]

Wyldmelons are seen growing on trees when Heatwave lands on a cliff after escaping from the Lava-Tides with Kai and Wyldfyre.

Land of Lost Things[]

Wyldmelons are seen growing on trees in the area where Heatwave lay resting.

The Administration[]

Wyldmelons are seen growing on trees in the area where Heatwave lay resting.

The Power Within[]

Arin was attempting to use Object Spinjitzu on throwing stars, hurling them at a Wyldmelon.

Other appearances and mentions[]

Dragons Rising, Season 2[]

The Blood Moon[]

While traveling alongside Ras through the Forest of Spirits, Jordana expressed her surprise that such a forest existed in the Wyldness, remarking that in Imperium, they were told the Wyldness was nothing but "lava pools and gross melons."


Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]

Season 1[]

Season 2[]


  • The exterior shape of the wyldmelon appears similar to that of starfruit, though their green and seedy innards seem to be inspired by the horned melon.



TV series and other media

Food: Algae · Borg's Sufficient Nutrient Wafers · Brillies · Cake · Candy · Coconuts · Cookies · Condensed evil · Cragling mud · Crème de Imperium · Donuts · Fortune cookies · Glimwillow Lilies · Glop · Inky Lemonberry (non-canon) · Monster sushi · Mud newts · Ninja chips · Noodles · Pancakes · Pillow mint · Pudding · Puffy Potstickers · Seaweed and tofu pancakes · Slugs · Snowberry Pies · Sushi · Traveler's Tea berries · Violet Berry Soup · Wyldmelons
Drink: Alcohol · Milk · Moss-milk · Snogfruit Punch · Tea (Resurrectea · Tomorrow's Tea · Traveler's Tea · Two Moon Tea)

Food weapons (sets)

Banana · Chicken leg · Ice cream · Sausage

Ninjago Wildlife

Couch Potatoes · Ice Berries · Ninja Acorns · Ninja Bananas · Ninja Carrots
