Zane's family is the technical family of the Ice Ninja.
- Dr. Julien (deceased)
- Zane
- Echo Zane
Other inventions[]
- Nindroid Army
- General Cryptor (destroyed)
- Min-Droid (destroyed)
- Nindroid Warriors
- Nindroid Drones
- Nindroid Sentries
- Dr. Julien and Zane's surname might be "Julien," but it is unconfirmed.[1]
- This family is the smallest out of Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, and Lloyd's families, having only three confirmed members (not counting the robots without human appearances) and two confirmed alive.
- In "Tick Tock," Zane damaged and presumably indefinitely decommissioned the Juggernaut to be before he knew it was technically his brother.
- Due to Zane likely permanently decommisioning the Juggernaut, this would technically be the first instance in the series of a character killing a family member.
- Zane (before Season 8) and Dr. Julien have the same mouth appearance.
- Both Zane and Dr. Julien came back to life after their apparent deaths and were subsequently imprisoned on an island. Dr. Julien was brought back with Resurrectea and imprisoned by Samukai in Lighthouse Island as revealed in "The Last Voyage," while Zane rebuilt himself in Borg Tower and was imprisoned on Chen's Island, as seen in "The Titanium Ninja" and "The Invitation."